So I went to see my endo today and yet again had to see the look of horror on her face when reviewing my numbers. A1C is up to 8.7.
I feel the same way most days. I have been D for 14 years and in control for 1 year give or take a month. What opened my eyes was when I had some say that their goal was to say “they lived 14 unhealthy years and 14 healthy years.” So my goal is in 13 more years I can look back say I DID IT!!!
I live in a very rural area. I like to beleive that I am the only D in a 100 mile radius. At least not with gray hair and type 2. So I find alot of support with Tudiabetes. They have helped me soo much mentally. You can find alot of support here.
But good luck with finding a local support group!!
I feel ya! I’m a type 1 who loves my pizza and beer too, fortunately I’m also part rabbit and can buffer said beer and pizza with huge salads. There are are plenty of us young strong diabetics out here. I hope you can link up with some in your neck of the woods or at least find the support you need out in internetland.
Hi, Peter. Welcome to the club. The “I’ve lived a long time with diabetes and all its ups and downs” club. The “why can’t I get my act together?” club. The “I’m sick of people confusing type 1 with type 2” club. And so on.
I used to think diabetes was my problem and my burden. Then, when I started to meet more people (and lots of them were virtual meets online), I realized a shared burden starts to look a teeny bit less like a burden and a little bit more like a challenging character-builder. Of course, it’s easier to think that on a good blood sugar day
I echo Danny’s comments about using online support if you can’t easily find in-person support. There are all kinds of people with diabetes conversing at all hours on this and other networks. If you use Twitter, check out the hashtags #bgnow, #bgwed (Wednesdays), and #sweatbetes to see people post numbers and encourage each other.
Contact the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and American Diabetes Association chapters in your region; they can refer to support groups. But you’ll probably have to attend one or more to find one that has the right mix of type 1 attendees and support. Best wishes!
Happy (belated) birthday!
Can relate. There’s a diabetes support group through a hospital where I live. I went to one meeting & felt out of place. Everyone was T2 & I didn’t feel particularly welcomed.
We all need to not feel alone.
Our Admin Lorraine lives in Danbury. Her young son Caleb is type1. She’s pretty active with JDRF I think. Ask her.
Start with some small, attainable goals, perhaps keeping a better log. join in discussions here. I’m @mariebe on Twitter
Thanks everyone for your comments! Just the fact that there are others out there who feel the same way and others who have offered advice has made me feel better.
I just play a tough guy in real life, but every once in a while need some help, so thanks so much!