Well the past few months have been extremely hard. We have dealt with DD, not check her BG and not taking insulin. Dr. has recommended the pump, in fact demanded it. She said “the pump can’t lie.” So DD has been approved 100% for a meditronic 722. It should arrive tomorrow. We will take classes over Christmas Break and she will start using it. Hopefully it will make things a little easier for her. Along w/not having to be embarrassed around her friends or in class. She recently had a Teacher make a big deal out of taking her insulin in class and checking her blood. Asked her to to go the nurse. SO I said so go to the nurse then. She was the one to disrupt the class, but no sweat walk to the nurse, and go back. Only bad thing is it takes time out of her class and she has HORRIBLE grades! So lets all cross our fingers and hope that things look up for her. We had a big blow up tonight. She was txting on my phone - she is grounded due to her grades. So I took my phone from her and it went from there. She blew up and let a lot of it out. Cried and the whole nine yards. I think she made some progress.
Well its time to go take care of some mom duties and go to bed.
Good night!
Oh Christina, that must be very hard for you and your daughter.
I think her teacher should let her have the injection right in class, so that she doesn’t need to feel even more different. Maybe you could talk to the teacher? I’m lucky that my teachers never had a problem with my diabetes… But a friend also had big problems in school. Sometimes its helpful if a doctor or diabetes assistant talks to the teacher directly- that often works.
So, all the best!!!
There is no reason for her to have to leave the class to take a 5 second shot. You wouldn’t send someone with asthma outside to take a puff from an inhaler or anything of the sort. Diabetes is something she has to deal with everyday, all day. The teacher and the rest of the class can deal with it for the however long it takes to give herself a needle.
Thank you all for the words of encouragement. Yes I agree that she should not have to step outside or walk across campus to give herself a shot. Currently we do not have a 504 though. They fought me on it last year saying it wasn’t necc. however I think things might be changing. however the pump is here and this will be a drastic change. We will have to see how things go.