Stop it, just stop it!

I’ve noticed that their have been an increasing amount of members who abuse the site’s delete feature. When you delete a discussion (that you’ve created), you not only delete the entire thread, but all other good information that may be useful to members from within that same thread.

Guys, this site exist so that we can share and learn from each other experiences; not to only read what we like and delete an entire thread when you don’t like the response of one or two persons. This is completely selfish to those who are in desperate need of diabetes info. If you are having a problem with a particular member? Then what the hell do you think site admins are for??? Let them handle the offending member!! You absolutely ask for input and expect to like every answer!

We don’t live in a world of little colorful Care Bears. In the real world, diabetes can be extremely difficult, on a psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, intimately, physically, and all other aspect of our lives!!. If you want everything sugar coated, or if you don’t care to know the experience of other diabetics from different cultures, circumstances, view points, and lifestyles, then why are you here?? There is always something to learn from tudiabetes members, even if it’s something you don’t like, or even if you don’t personally agree with it, some one else will benefit… Too many of you are deleting threads for the silliest of reasons.

Please use your delete key wisely!!!

I agree with you. We don’t want the forum to be like a swiss cheese with holes everywhere !!!

This site is a reference in diabetes. The search tool is useful only if useful information aren’t deleted !

But Yogirajj, please, if you don’t like my comment, don’t delete it !! :wink:

I don’t put anything up b/c of that any more! I agree that there’s alot of useful info to those trying to learn and you don’t need to deleat the whole discission! I think that we’re all here to help each other and I really want to help. You may be talking about me here but…Like Mario please if you don’t like my comment please don’t deleate it! LOL!

Wendy when I joined up a few years back I thought the reason to be here was to help each other not to hurt each other. I still try to do so.


I totally agree Wendy… I was just extremely annoyed that the past couple of weeks, every time I try to click on a link to participate in a discussion, I get an “OOPS” error. LOL… WTF??? There are some members here that really have their ego’s in the sky… Wow…

I know the feeling! When you want to help or you read something that would help the other’s out there you try and get on the discussion and then it’s gone!! Don’t blame you for getting ticked about it!!!

I haven’t seen this behavior lately, but I second that emotion.

(“Don’t delete me, bro!”)

I actually didn’t know that members had the power to delete whole threads…weird! When a thread disappears, I have just assumed that the Administration had decided it was offensive in some way and deleted it. Maybe Manny or another Admin will clarify this point. In general, I don’t really think any posts or threads should be deleted, unless they are blatantly offensive. discussion gets heated and we all deal with things the best we can which sometimes goes a bit sideways. I have gotten responses to m threads that were completely useless to me, but maybe for someone else they hit the nail on the head!

Yeah - I’m the same as Zoe - didn’t know I have the power of Zeus in my finger tip on that delete! I’m like the rest, here to learn/share, and like in the real world, things can get abit hot under the collar sometimes, but just try to respect others.

No, it is just your own discussion. You can’t delete someone else’s discussion unless you’re an Admin…

Yogirajj, thank you for your post. I wasn’t aware that it was even possible to delete other member posts…not that I want to. I agree we’re all in the same boat and although someone doesn’t agree or like the person who post a reply it shouldn’t be their decision to delete it…thanks.