Yeah. So my endocrinologist used to be able to pick out my exam period just by looking at my blood sugar trends. He used to tell me not to get so stressed about school because it really messed up my control. Easier said than done …
So this week has been insanely stressful. I’ve had seven assignments due for school, a midterm, two big group presentations, an interview for some potential contract work, and my dad’s had open heart surgery.
Thus, my diabetes has pretty much been the last thing on my mind, and this is the result:
I’d really like to know how people keep their diabetes top priority when they barely have enough time to sleep at night due to busyness. Or maybe that’s just a student thing … I took today off and skipped classes because I was going to have a nervous breakdown if I had to sit in class for five hours (with no break!). I did go to my practicum, though, as I can’t miss that.
Hopefully next week will be better and I can reign my blood sugars back down to some semblance of control.
Despite having diabetes all through high school and undergrad, I didn’t realize how stress made my bloodsugar rocket until I started working on my masters thesis. Personal days are required and some leeway. Make sure you’re taking time for yourself. A long hot bath, a healthy dinner, a movie: whatever helps you unwind is good because you produce better work when your not under so much pressure. I stuck to lots of caffeine and protein bars to survive the really hectic days. All I can say is keep trying. It gets better. If you know your exam period makes you bg rocket, take some extra insulin. If it gets worse, ask your teachers for advice about coping with the workload and stress. One professor told me to skip the daily writing assignments because in the end they affected my grade so little thatthe pressure to complete them was unnecessary.
BTW remember to be proud of yourself for caring about your diabetes and trying because sometimes finding that effort is the hardest part. I spent a good year of school not worrying about it and it was really hard to get back into the swing of checking bgs and taking insulin before I ate. Kudos, Jen.