Alright, since I have gotten Diabetes, I have had supppper dry skin. Does anyone else have this problem… If yea, what do you use. It seems like NO matter what I use nothing seems to work.
Yes, my skin is dry. I use Baby oil when I get out of the shower. After drying. Thin coat. Then a thin coat of Baby Lotion (Pink Bottle). Seems to work great for me. I use the Baby Lotion on my face too.
Hi there, I have the same problem with super dry skin and when it gets bad, it’s super itchy. I have tried almost all the drug store lotions and bath potions, this might sound odd but what I find works best for me is grinding plain oatmeal and using 1cup in a warm bath,soak at least 15-20 min and after you rinse off well rub down with baby oil(I use baby oil gel) this is the only thing that I have had any relief with.If you don’t want to grind your own oatmeal(cheep) you can find bath stuff at the drug store but make sure it doesn’t have a lot of additives because they can dry your skin and try to keep your baths and showers not super hot because that also drys out skin.I really have a hard time with that because I love super hot baths. The baby oil should be put on within 2 min of getting out of shower or bath…it soaks in quick and isn’t as messy as it sounds,I really like the Johnson’s baby oil gel because it seems I can get more on my skin. I have had a real problem with this and it’s take me yrs to find these tricks, I hope they help because I know how dry skin can drive you mad. Good luck
I have this problem - skin like paper AND I am allergic to all creams known to man! I am allergic to the bases of creams and lotions which all seem to be petroleum jelly or lanolin. I remember the doctor and I going through all the moisturising creams in his medical book and they all had the same allergens in them. Water based ones are just as bad, and there are warnings out there of people not taking this for excema because it would make it worse - and it does!
In desparation while on holiday last year I bought a small bottle of olive oil and used a make up cleansing pad. It worked a treat! You could try that, keep it in the fridge so that it sets and would be less messy.
I’ve been reading about thyroid problems a bit lately, and dry skin is one of the symptoms that indicates hypothyroidism (basically means your thyroid glands aren’t producing enough hormones). It could occur more in diabetics as it’s also an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid gland because it thinks it’s an invader.
Have a read on the following page:
I’m not in any way saying that because you happen to have dry skin that this is what you must have don’t get me wrong! Just something you could possibly keep in mind
I struggle with dry skin as well. Although I am a guy, I hate having dry hands. What drove me totally crazy was trying to find a hand lotion that did not contain glycerin and would not mess up my blood sugar tests. In the end, I found that baby oil worked best, just a drop or two. Fortunately, I found a version of Johnson’s baby oil with aloe vera that was reasonably unscented. I still smell a bit like a baby, but not too much. And best of all, my blood sugar tests are no longer totally screwy, just partly screwy. .
Has anyone tried tea tree oil? My pharmacy sells it in the pure form (not cheap), and I’ve been considering whether or not to buy try.
Trudy, tea tree oil is very harsh for dry skin, especially if you are an older person. You are better to find a urea cream, ask the pharmacist, tea tree just about rips the skin off my hands.
Ouch! Thanks, I will try a urea cream.
I use E-45 (cream and lotion)…on very rough spots, sometimes I use petroleum jelly. I also heard that super dry skin can be a symptom of thyroid problems…
I will def try some of these… Especially the baby oil… VERY CHEAP compared to what I have been paying for. I just bought Clinique<(spell check) for EXTRA dry skin for almost 50.00 and it made my face even worse… Thanks for all the help!
Ok, on the tea tree oil. I hang round gyms. I have had a few cases of toenail fungus and my goto treatment is tea tree oil. If you get it on your skin, it is bad news. It will seriously irritate your skin and cause lesions. It does however safely kill toenail fungus.