T1 and marijuana


If you have 2x strobe lights, Lava Lamps are overkill. I (still...) have the black light though. For a while I lived in the basement and got some day-glow paint and painted spirals on sheets hanging around my lair. It was quite spectacular when it was all fired up.

Wow. FHS, thanks for the unsolicited advice and commentary on my lifestyle. I asked for tips on curbing general hunger, or what people who use marijuana with diabetes think about it, not for advice about lifestyle choices that you obviously don't agree with. The fact that you think the amount of "pot" has anything to do with A1C really goes to show how little you know on the subject you are speaking on. Will power, NOT any natural growing substance I put into my body determines if my BG is going to go high or not. Maybe there's a popped collar Jersey Shore thread that you can comment more accurately on.

Not to be trite, but next time, if you don't know what you are talking about, or don't have anything positive to contribute to a conversation, please, by all means, don't say anything at all. I joined TuDiabetes because I thought it would be a helpful forum for people with the same condition that would be free of judgment and condensation, but apparently I was wrong.

Yeah, I was hoping tudiabetes would be a forum where people didn't judge me, or berate others for decisions they don't agree with. I guess not..

looks like I'll be deleting my profile in the near future :(

My main concern was someone who looks young reporting the neuropathy. That's a big concern to me. If my foot falls asleep, part of me thinks "holy %$@#, amputation" so anyone reporting that symptom gets my sympathies *HOWEVER* I am also concerned that it's very easy to drift into a "self-medicated" lifestyle that, in the long run may not be a good investment of your time and energy. I'd work on fixing the other stuff here. There are probably weed forums where you might get a better answer to curbing the munchies. You might also look into pork rinds as they are pretty low carb?

Randy, thank you for your reply. I'm coming off a long diabetic burnout period in my life, and have been doing excellent since regaining control over my diabetes. Your A1c is great! I'm so jealous! Hopefully my next endo appointment next week (my first in 8 years, so I'm kinda scared) will have some good numbers for me. My PN isn't so bad yet, but it's definitely there, so it's on my mind for sure. I'll try this popcorn tip that I'm hearing so much about now. Pickles/cheese are my usual go to's for hunger without carbs, but there's only so much you can eat before you never want to see it again!

T1Forever, Yeah, I guess I should have known better than to seek the advice of strangers on the internet. It seems completely backwards that we can legally drink ourselves to liver disease, kill someone else or our ourselves driving drunk, ruin families, etc., but we can't legally have a natural occurring plant in our possession. Marijuana is great for a variety of patients suffering from diseases like cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, glucoma, whereas alcohol benefits no one.

Thank you for your comment, and I understand that you're in a tricky position where you don't want to know "too much" on the subject. It's sad that our society makes it that way though...

haha. Easier said than done, my friend!

The other surefire solution is just don't snack...:-)

...just two cups of popcorn...that's easy enough...HaHa

Sorry if I offended you Jack. I apologize if I seemed to take your issue lightly.

I stated clearly that I am not commenting on your lifestyle choice. It's your choice and your welcome to it. For any number for reasons, I might be considered a hypocrite if I was being judgemental.

You didn't ask a general question about cutting back on eating certain types of food. Your question was specific to the effects of marijuana use on your appetite. I'd love to help you with your specific question about the munchies, but you didn't catch my metaphor. For various reasons, I don't know of a way to curb the munchies after marijuana use.

Gotta get the average BG down. BG spikes = High A1c, therefore cutting down on the spikes helps, a lot. IF munchies = high BG spikes, like you said, you gotta cut down on the munchies.

From your OP, though, you are of the opinion that there is something special, or even specifically beneficial to diabetes, about your lifestyle. I will say once again, there is nothing special about your lifestyle choice that protects it from the hard choices that every other diabetic has make regarding their own lifestyle choices.

You've had diabetes for just over 10 years and you have painful Peripheral Neuropathy that you now self-medicate with marijuana. You have a self reported A1c in the 8s.

If you haven't done so already, you might want to get checked for the trifecta, PN + Retinopathy + CKD. When my A1c was in the 8s and 9s, lo and behold, I had the trifecta. Just like every other diabetic, I had to make some tough choices about my lifesyle.

If you don't have the other two in addition to PN, you are a lucky man. You are absolutely correct, a lot of it is about WILL POWER, the will to make the touch choices.

You made the connection between marijuana use and your BG problems.

If my reasoning for suggesting that maybe you might want to cut back on the pot smoking, to cut back on the munchies, to cut back on the BG spikes, to get your average BG down really offends you then this suggestion really really is going to set you off.

Take your diabetes more seriously than your pot smoking.

For what it's worth, I was LOLing at your pithy comment on the state of this thread, and not at you personally.

A very wise man named acidrock23 suggested to me a few months ago that I stick around TuD for the incredible support and information available here. Even if folks don't like everything we do (when does that ever happen?) there is still a huge amount of support and information to be had here. If you go back and read the thread in a different light, you'll see a lot of concern for your well-being in most (all?) of the posts.

Oh yeah.

My employment situation is extremely sensitive to issues such as these.

I went to college, on what turned out to be the six year plan. =P

Sincerely Jack,

Best of luck on your upcoming endo appointment. After 8 years, hopefully, he runs a full set of labs for you so you can get a good idea of exactly where you stand. It's scary as hell, but it's better to know than not know. If you don't have your eyes checked by a opthomologist regularly (at least every two years if your eyes check out, preferrable annually) than hopefully you can get a good recommendation and get that done ASAP too.

Whatever happens, like Randy says, the best thing you can do as a diabetic is get and keep your BGs under tight control. PN, and most other complications, will most definitely improve under tight BG control. Many people on this forum look at tight control as under an A1c of 6.0 (or even much tighter) and very few are satisfied with the general recommendations of most health care providers.

Your situation is really really similar to mine a few years ago.

Again, best of luck.

There is an extensive thread on the DR. Berstien Forum in the Supplements catagory titled "Cured Type 1". Also there is a thread in the Sharing Success catagory titled "Cannabis" that is interesting as well.

I often eat buttered popcorn for supper! Figured out the carbs and bg trajectory and it comes out fine bg-wise. I even drink beer with it. Watch out - getting dangerously close to fun here... Oops - added a movie and I'm now grinning. Guess I'm bad.

Hi Jack!

I grew up in 'pot country', so I see weed as the lesser-of-evils when it comes to both recreation and pain control. If you're ever in an area that has dispensaries, you might want to stop in and ask if they know of a strain that has effects that fit your desires. Then you could ask your supplier if they could find it.

I read about a new sativa strain being developed (I think by a british pharmaceutical company!) for the purpose of appetite control and weight loss. I'll look it up and see if I can find any more info on it. I don't know if it's available to consumers, by rx or street, but if you find it, let me know how it works out!

I'm looking for ways to curb hunger as well. My best finds, other than lots of fluids, have been high fiber foods (that have a little protein and/or fat) that take a while to eat.

My favs are raw cauliflower with powdered cheese sprinkled on it, still crunchy sauteed green beans with olive oil, and this cereal called smaps. It's a soy based product that tastes like grape nuts with a maple-ish flavor. They keep your mouth busy and are super filling. http://www.carbsmart.com/smaps.html

I also like baked cheese crisps/snacks to nibble on (you can make them, but there are quite a few commercial products) with or without bean dip. They'd be good with guac too!

Just got some fresh made pork rinds at a local Mexican store. Yum!

I usually feel like my blood sugar is going down a bit with a toke it has never gone up anyway.Not like with a beer. Oh and if anybody says quit the chronic, well then why bother-

Dude, you need to hit the diet coke and sugar free hard candies. Don't suck them just chop em. Really it works. I also like to take my insulin eat a meal then smoke. You can also just use sparkling water. It's hard to not go crazy and eat a whole bag of chips. That's the trick smoking without eating. It takes some practice, but can be done. Besides the munchies I think it's the perfect companion to diabetes.

A lot of 'sugar-free' hard candies have sugar alcohol type of stuff that 1) gets metabolized like sugar and 2) makes you gassy. Not that there's anything wrong with that but well, you know?

When you feel your BG dropping, do you test? What are your typical BGs before, during, and after you smoke? How do they compare to your usual BGs?

Not judging your smoking. Just trying to see what your control is when you smoke. "Good, bad, low, high" are all relative. I'll just say that most things I do or did had the potential to put my BGs on a rollercoaster and it was never about quitting or not qutting altogether. It's about finding what works for your BG control and what doesn't work.