Too blessed

I just wanted to share with everyone here how blessed I feel even though I am right smack in the middle of my exams. OK, that’s ONE MORE EXAM on monday before I go out for dinner with the girls and spend a few days catching up on sleep and packing for my holiday.

see, I was brought to the ER two days after my exams ended last semester. i’d been really ill during the exams and i could barely stay awake in the midst of my exams, i had to keep running to the toilet over and over again and i felt horrible. it was due to uncontrolled blood sugar. two nights later, i was well on my way to a diabetic coma.

fast forward to now and here i sit, healthy (but not as healthy as i could be if my pancreas was more cooperative!) and alive, awake and alert. i don’t have to go to the loo every 20 minutes. i’m not chronically tired. i have a good appetite. i take care of my health by eating right, exercising and taking medication.

i can’t describe how blessed i felt after my exams yesterday. so yes, i have a pancreas which doesn’t want to work properly. but it is good to be alive. it is good to be well and to sit for exams, no matter how stressful, without any hiccups, without having to be rushed to the doctor.

it is good.

Yay! So glad you are in a space of feeling blessed and lucky. I am feeling frustrated right now (if you read my blog post today you’ll know why), BUT…I feel blessed to know you! Good luck with the rest of your exams! :slight_smile: