Are you all starting to form plans for transitioning back into normal life?
I’m a bit uncertain about how this transition is gonna take place or what to expect from a physiological standpoint.
I’m naturally a little superstitious about it because its will have been a year since lockdown started and that’s a long time. I worry that a bunch of us will have heart attacks if we just flip a switch. I feel a little uncertain about what level of cardiovascular injury might have resulted from lockdown of this length. I’m noticing some little, naggy thoughts when I have rib pain from shoveling, where I wonder if I’m throwing a clot.
You guys thinking about this? Having any anxieties? I’m having some minor concerns about simply never having transitioned from a covid lockdown before and what D-related surprises might result.
My uncle in NY has already been vaccinated. So has an aunt in CA, with another uncle out there soon to follow. Also, prob a couple of cousins. Its coming.
I just went back on my Omnipod after using us my emergency NPH ration. Its got me thinking…it been almost a year exactly since reports started coming out of China and me and the other recently graduated grad students started forming initial emergency plans to lockdown. I think that I can safely say that $ will just barley hold out and I’m gonna survive covid via pretty extreme lockdown measures. But, then what? How’s this gonna work?
Anybody got strategies already developed for how we restore to our previous (pre-covid) conditions of health? Are there going to be obstacles?