UnitedHealthcare and Insulet

My company switched insurance plans as of July 1. When I called Insulet to update my insurance info, the rep said that I’d have to go through “Edgepark” because Insulet doesn’t have any agreements with UHC.

Apparently, Edgepark is a sort of work around to get insurance coverage. He rep said that I’ll be using Edgepark for all insurance-related issues, including ordering pods.

I’m supposed to hear from Edgepark in the next week.

Have any of you been through this? It makes me really nervous. My next order of pods is due August 20 and I want to make sure that I don’t have any problems getting them on time AND covered by insurance.

Advice? Experiences to share?


I have Golden Rule insurance - which is owned by United Healthcare and works very much the same.

I go through EdgePark, and I’ve had absolutely no problem with them. They are very prompt & helpful. I don’t think you need to be nervous at all.

Any problems you have with pods themselves (occlusions, etc) you still go directly through Insulet.

I have UHC and go through Edge Park. Initially there was some confusion, but once it was all said and done, I have had no issues. The issue was with getting my doctors office, insulet, edge park and UHC all on the same page… Edge Park has been great, they also can deliver you other supplies like test strips… A lot cheaper than I previously paid…

I use Edgepark for my cgms sensors (Navigator) and items like ketostix and adhesive. I’ve had good experiences with them. Their re-order process can be done online and their customer service reps are very helpful.

When I first started on the OmniPod in May last year, I had to go through the whole pre-approval deal, too. Insulet handled nearly all of it with minimal participation from me.

My concern is that I might have to go through the same thing with Edgepark, but the comments from everyone are reassuring me.


I get my pump supplies (pods) from Edgepark. Evidentially , they are the supplier my insurance company wants to use… I’ve had no trouble, don’t worry. My ins is Evercare/ United Health Care. and they did all the work. I just got a phone call from Edgepark to tell me it was coming and to pay my 20%…
I get the insulin elsewhere.

Don’t be surprised if things don’t go smoothly, my insurance goes with them too and I was given the run around. Edgepark wouldn’t tell my insurance company why they refused to send out my supplies and I was transfered to 6 people to get answers and never did get any reason why the shipment was not sent. I called and complained to my Ins company and a complaint was filed for jerking me around for 8 months and no supplies for my pump or testing meter.

Be prepared is my advise, make sure you talk with your insurance company frequently. I now have another company that is approved and contracted with my Ins.

Good Luck and God Bless


You’re describing what I am concerned about.

Since my next pod shipment is due August 20, I’m going to contact UHC and get the ball rolling. If they cover it through Edgepark for others, they sure should for me!


I wouldn’t wait for them to call, call them today! I have the same situation and haven’t had any real problems, it’s pretty much the same as dealing with Insulet. Sarah at Edgepark has always been really helpful, she is the ‘durable medical supply’ person, maybe ask for her?

I don’t think I’m “officially” in the system at EdgePark yet. The Insulet rep took my info and said he’d relay it to EdgePark and that I’d hear from someone within a week.

Maybe I should just call and ask for Sarah! :slight_smile:

I don’t have any contact info for EdgePark yet. Google, here I come!