Thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks for sharing! :)
This sounds fantastic! Where do you get the 4 carb tortillas from?
Tonight was some skinless chicken wings and an Italian salad with all the fixins. perper chinis, mozzarella, capicola, olives, etc.
How colorful!
Shirataki noodles in a Korean clam soup base (inspiration credit to BSC at the Virginia Diabetes support Group - who brought AMAZING tofu shirataki with marinara - fabulous - I think it was zero calories 0 carbs - BSC corrrect me if you see this) and leftover slowcooker beef shank …and one american cheese slice …and 5 walnuts…and 12 olives. ( - I hadn’t had a chance to eat much all day - had to take a friend to the airport early this am).
That sounds great. I’m glad you liked my dish. The tofu shirataki come in an 8oz package which has two servings. Each serving has 20 calories, no fat, 1 g protein and 3 g carbs (2g fiber). So basically 1 net carb and almost no calories. I am glad you liked it, although a 1/2 c of the sauce does have about 8g carbs and 3 g fiber for 5 net carbs. I do have to caution you that you can overeat this stuff.
The beef shank sounds good. I’ve really started to like those sorts of things.
ps. Thanks for all the chicken!
Thank you so much for starting this thread. I have added some of the pizza recipes to my databank, and thank you BSC for you info on Shirataki noodles. I saw another post on the noodles on tudiabetes that had a few comments about them not being “real food”, but nothing to link to. I just did a google search and we will be looking into this as a weekly alternative. David is young and very athletic, so carb counting right now is not an issue, but suggestions that will allow some 0 carb pasta alternatives is priceless.
I might be having the a third of the last half of my vegan frozen 'pepperoni" Tofurky pizza that I haven’t been eating because it is my b-day today and I am treating myself. But I can only have half a portion of it because of the carbs. So, that and my normal mixed greens salad - depending on what my BG is before din -din!
Tonight I had a small serving of whole wheat hamburger helper, with ground turkey, and TONS of broccoli.
OMG. Thanks to a recipe from Gerri, tonight I had the most amazing soup! Cauliflower Bisque (Potato Soup). It was pretty fantastic and Im quite impressed. Next time I have to double the recipe as there is only a small amount for left overs!
We had veal chops, pasta and tossed salad. Yum!
Happy Birthday!
Dinner was bourbon chicken with broccoli.
Home made chicken cordon bleu, with a white cheese blend, and a little bit of pepperjack… A light breading made 3/4 of parmesan cheese and 1/4 panko bread crumbs… Broccoli and a few green beans, as a side, with spices and butter, baked.
Ah… the zucchini crust should blend well with pizza. I can see it. Will give it a try. What does the cauliflower end up tasting like?
It doesn’t taste like cauliflower. To sub zucchini for cauliflower, the zukes have to be very dry. Grate zuchinni, put in a colander, sprinkle with salt & let stand for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can. If too much water remains, it will be soggy & yucky Cauliflower works better.
Tonight, we are having Puerto Rican stewed beans.
Well, it would be low or lower carb if you only ate a few of the roasted potato slices, carrots and onion You really can roast any type of veggie; cauliflower would be good mixed in with this.
Tonight was sloppy joes, in a low carb pita with spinach, zucchini, small amount of peas, and cheese. It was yummy. Then we just finished up Chocolate truffles and am waiting for them to set. Thank God for dark chocolate and PB! =^)
Last night, slow cooker roast beef. Served with pan sauteed garlic asparagus and homemade mashed potatos. Yes, mashed potatoes. I really couldn’t eat much, so half the leftovers go in the freezer and the rest will serve the family while I am gone this week.
Hey BSC - thanks for the correction - yep that was one great shirataki - and yes one has to really watch to not overeat that stuff - because once you realize the stuff is just like spaghetti - well - I can really get going on that stuff. Did I tell anybody that I lost 25 punds since I started Dr. Bernstein and was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 since a year ago? The carb limiting due to health reasons is the most important reason to continue to eat a very low carb for me - I know others may do OK on more carbs than I do, but I have a sick feeling I “done did” too much damage to my poor surviving beta cells - so gotta watch my carb intake fairly often. I do tend to feel rather fabulous now, in comparison to when I was first diagnosed eating rice 3 times day, and so tired and sickly all the time. In a way, Type 2 diabetes helped me to take better care of myself (putting on positie spin on the disease).
Anyway - LIZMARI thanks for starting this thread!!!
I luv spam. I am from Hawaii - where Spam is considered practically gorumet food, with many receipes and many many kindsof Spam available in all the markets - in fact, I believe Spam’s largest market is in the Orient and Hawaii. We laugh cheerfully at all the people who hate spam and just ask them to give us the cans…My sister sent me a carepackage of Spam when I was in Hawaii because she couldn’t believe we considered it awesome food.
Are you being tongue in cheek with your bachelor food picture? (hee hee)
I like green (food color) spam and eggs (Dr. Suess’s “would you like green eggs and ham?”)