Which Contour Meter is best

I went to order test strips from Express Scripts today only to find they no longer cover them. I could rant and rave about it, but with all that’s happened with my insurance plan, I’m kind of numb to it. Until now they’re only covered Onetouch so that’s what I’ve been using, for better or for worse.

Now that I have to pay out-of-pocket I’m moving to Contour based on the good reviews here and the fact that Dexcom recommends it for calibrating the G6. Contour has three meters - Next, Next EZ and Next One. I’m looking for opinions on which I should get. Price isn’t a factor, nor any of the BT communications and software features. My primary goal is accuracy, followed by battery life and convenience. I’ll use it infrequently for calibrating my G6. I’d appreciate any advice from those using Contour.

I have 4 models of the Contour Next. They are all equally accurate. Two of them are designed to communicate with Medtronic pumps (Next Link, and Next Link 2.4). I also have the EZ, and Next One. The EZ is a bit flimsy but works just a well as the others and has the advantage of being easy to read in bright sunlight (the reason I bought it). You can’t go wrong with any of the models.

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Sports Car:


Both of them can get you to the grocery store and back. But the sports car just looks cooler while doing it.


I use the sports car and never have issues with it. The only thing I find a little funky is that the battery level always looks low on the display, regardless of how much life is left in it.

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yep, the battery icon is goofy. I thought I had bad meters when I first got them.

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My Contour Next link has a rechargeable battery which needs to be recharged about every six months.

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Don, some of the other meters use 2032 batteries. Ascensia will send users free batteries, for the asking. the meters use two each of the 2032’s.

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How long do the batteries last?

Many months.

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Thanks All - I think I’ll get a couple of the ‘sports car’ version. I wish I could say it will satisfy my late life crisis, but alas - only the real thing will do.


My sports car has had three displays messed up. It seems they are having a problem currently, and I’ve finally given up on having a display that doesn’t have dots curving along the top part of my meter. After receiving the first meter, I called asking for a replacement. They sent out another one with paid postage to return the first Next One, but the second replacement meter’s screen was worse than the first one. I called again letting them know, and with reluctance the customer service rep let me return the replacement and keep the first meter. After a day, she called back stating that I couldn’t keep the first meter with the messed up display, and I would need to send it back. She would send me a different meter/minivan type. I told her that I didn’t want to give up my sportscar for a minivan/ not my actual words/ but funny to say here. After some thought, she agreed to send me another Next One. It arrived Thursday, and low and behold the screen was also messed up worse than the first meter. It’s on the way back to Ascensia with a note saying that I’m keeping the first Next One meter unless they can provide one that doesn’t have a screen messed up. Guys I understand they are just requesting a new meter be sent, but it’s gotten pretty old getting a meter with the screen messed up worse than the first one, AND still messed up. I guess there is no way that someone can open up a box or two to be sure the screen isn’t messed up before shipping it/ it’s really disappointing. I’m wondering has anyone else gotten a Note One meter with a display messed up lately?

Welcome @lisa10, and thanks for the heads up! I ordered two of them last week, but I’m leaving town so I probably won’t get a chance to check it out until the 2nd week of January. I’ll let you know how it works out. I’m getting them from Medical Wholesale Outlet (via Walmart site). Hopefully they aren’t trying to unload a bunch of defective product.

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I just ordered 2 additional Contour Next One BG meters today from Amazon. I love the one that I have been using for the past couple of years without any issues but decided to keep 1 additional in the car and 1 in the office as that will be more convenient than keeping them in the pocket all the time. The only time I ever had a display problem with a Contour One Next display is with my first one a few years back that fell out of my pocket and unknowingly rolled under the front driver side wheel of my car. After backing over it, it looked OK and even worked OK but some of the pixels in the numbers were dead making it hard to make out if for example the number was a 6 or an 8.

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The Contour Next was compatible wit my pump and my computer. It automatically blood test reading to my pump. And then I could download all and print them for my endo.

The Contour Next One is more fore a mobile phone. All my readings appeared in my phone, I cannot print them out. Maybe it’s me. Looked everywhere so I just show them to my endo. Also it does not connect to a pump as I used to use it to show reading if I used a bolus Wizard on my pump.

Also batteries don;t last with the Next One and don’t like buying those 2032 batteries.

I think both best and equally accurate.

If you call Ascensia, they will mail you FREE 2032 batteries. I always keep a bunch of them on hand anyway. Cheap at Amazon.

Thanks, didn’t know that.

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Only the contour next LINK meter can send data to medtronic pump, and is generally included when pump is purchased. DME suppliers may also have them, and may need RX to purchase separately. Check medtronics if you are interested.

I used a Contour Next Link first and it connected to my Medtronic Paradigm pump and allowed me to connect to the Bolus Wizard and also update of my BG data. Then I started to use Xdrip as a Dexcom app and had to buy the Contour Next One to connect to Xdrip but found out it no longer connected to my pump anymore and I could no longer print BG data. I wish they would make one that did both. I think they’re working on it.

And to be perfectly clear, ONLY the Link 2.4 will work with the 670. I have the prior versions of that meter, the Contour Next Link, and they won’t work–they work with the 5xx/7xx series of Medtronic pumps, instead.

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So am I correct the with the Contour Next One you cannot print out the data?