Why now!

am really pissed off at my dietitian right now as she has desided along with my family dr. to have me count carbs to see if it will help with bringing my blood sugars up. when do i start this you may wonder tomorrow! now don't get me wrong i love my dietitian she is the best. but she could have used some sence & started me counting carbs AFTER the holidays. but she didnt think of that. so i shall be carb counting this holiday sesion insted of enjoying myself.26 choices a day any ideas on how to make this easyer are greatly wlecomed.

ps: any free online resorces would be very helpful

Start after the holiday. It's your life, your body and your health. Unless your in the middle of an immediate health emergency, 2 weeks isn't going to matter.

Is it the idea of restricting carbs or actually counting the carbs that gets you? Would it have made a difference if your dietician had asked you to restrict the carbs, but not count them?

Diabetes s*cks. No doubt. It is totally unfair to have to deal with diabetes through the holidays. But you will have to deal with this eventually, if you delay for the holidays then you will just find another excuse in January. Why don't you think about starting the counting now. If you want a treat over the holidays, have the treat, but "count it."

Jim: i am in a bit of a health emergancy as my bg is always sitting between 1.0mmol/l to 2.0 mmol/l (18mg/dl to 36mg/dl) as i am hypo only i don't go high. i have blacked out at lest every other day for the past 2 weeks because i don't reaslse i'm low.

bsc: it's both of them that are getting to me as it is such a derastic chainge to my eating habits and it's happening so quickly

OMG. You do realize that a "carb choice" is 15 grams of carbs, so 26 choices a day is 400 g of carbs a day. That is a huge carb feast. Perhaps I am confused about things. Are you on a medication that is causing you to have all these hypos? Many people have hypo problems "after" they eat. They eat some carbs and then an hour or two afterwards the "overshoot" and have a hypo.

If your doctor wants you to eat a certain number of carbs on a regular schedule, that may really help you. Carb counting is basically very simple, 15 grams of carbs is one count or one choice. You can look up the number of carbs in a particular food in any number of free on-line sources. One good source is calorieking. CalorieKing also has a convenient little book that contains a lot of the nutrition information on the website, the book is like $8.50, right there on the website and available at lots of bookstores.

bsc: yes i know a carb choice is 15 grams of carbs. no i'm not on medication that is causing me to go hypo. going and staying hypo is just something my body dose on it's own. it's a genetic thing that runs in my family. so my doctor and dietiten want to see if me counting carbs will help bring my bg up to and keep it at a normal range. i'm the frist one in my family to try something like for this problem. 400g of carbs is not that much carbs for me seeing as i'm use to eating any thing and everything i can get my hands on to and still being hypo after. i'm thinking your on the right track in thinking my doctor wants me to eat a certin number of carbs on a regular schedule

I am not sure , if my comment belongs here , however I was taught , even before I got diabetes ( 1983 ) and I seemed to have suffered from low BG's at meal times ...no glucometer to prove it in those days , to eat 6 ( small ) meals per day to prevent going hypo ...not the simple carb meals but healthy carbs ( incl fiber ) . My question Diane ,because I am confused as well , do( did ) you spread the 26 choices out over your waking hours OR ??? How are your other family members dealing with same concern ?? bsc 's idea of the Calorie King book is great...my brother got one from his Team at n/c :)

I'm confused as well. If your body is overproducing its own insulin and putting you in hypo, then eating MORE carb surely isn't going to help that.

other in my family are deal with it by eating crazy high amounts of carbs as in 2000g or morethrew out a day of carbs. i tryed the 2000g or more of carbs threw out a day too but it did not work for me so my doctor is cutting me down to 400g of carbs a day spread out threw out the day. up un tell today i was eatting close to 2050g of carbs threw out the day. so my doctor is hopeing that cutting down my carb intake to 400g threw out the will help bring my bg close to 4.0.

@Consume Jan: please do not give any medical advice about a condition you are not familiar with. Diane has the medical advice to consume high amounts of carbs to prevent low blood glucose. It does not help to create doubts about this advice. This is not a normal case of developing type 2 diabetes. Diane reported us about a rare family condition and I think we should ask questions without jumping to quick conclusions. So I will start:

Hello Diane, has your doctor given any name to your condition yet? Like Insulinoma?

Well, insulinoma is a tumor in the pancreas which causes high levels of insulin. Hyperinsulimia is more common and can be caused by things like PCOS, transfats, benign growths or other conditions. If high insulin levels are present, the most common dietary advice is to lower carbs and sugar, just as Jan suggested. I would be interested in what your doctor says is happening.

Personally, I have concerns about your eating 2000g of carbs. That is 8000 calories just from carbs. That is a "huge" amount of food. That is eating for about 10-12 people.

It can be a bit daunting. I tried using some frozen meals with some patients to get them started-such as Meals To Live. Good luck, it will all come together!

@holger schmeken no my doctor hasn't given a name to my condition going back over my family members medical records(with there peremition of couse) i noted that the farthist back there is record of this going on in my family that i'm aware of is to my grandfather on my fathers side who passed on many years before i was born and that the 3 of us currantly liveing that have this (me and 2 of my uncles) have had over active insulin produceing cells in our pancreases since birth.my 2 uncles that have that same condition are of average weight and close to 6 feet tall and have matabilzums that work at the same speed as a 16 year old boy's dose so they pack foood away like there is a shortage of it and i got them to log what they ate amd drank for a week and they eat close to 8600 calories a day each by means of high carb high protin mixs and gels that triathlets use. @bsc i tryed consming that many carbs and calories but it put me in the hospital. do to my body cant cope with that many calories so hencecutting down to 400g of carbs threw out the day. if this dose not work i more then likely will cut the carbs again