Good for you, AngieMel on responding to the posts to this thread that are written from an adult perspective!
I just wanted to talk (OT) about Community. That episode (season 1, episode 3, "Introduction to Film") is brilliant. John Michael Higgins is a blast as the Dead Poets side-gag. But the main theme was Abed's documentary, and the tidbit with syringes circling around his head, in his film, certainly helped me identify. That documentary is spectacularly engaging and revealing and even heartbreaking, as a film-within-a-comedy-TV-show.
I laughed at the part about your sister in law, spirit. My family was planning a get together at an Italian restaurant and my nephew reassured me: "They have really good gourmet vegetarian pizza for you, Zoe." It's like they can only deal with one food requirement at a time! (Actually when I eat out which has become rare) I usually do the same and order pasta. One time I ordered some and it came with gobs and gobs of a tomato sauce which would set my acid reflux on high alert so I sent it back, getting dirty looks from a snooty waiter who was already bored with my request for vegetarian pasta. Sigh. Better to cook for myself.
ya! holy week is coming and im thinking im going to have to bolus blindly for some of the bread, milk, honey goodness. it will probably be a nightmare but maybe ill bolus, then start walking and eating at the same time....
thats what im talkin about. one bite will not do it, it a tease!!
Mee too. I was counting carbs and not indulging in cakes and buns before Dx, but now the only thing I am thinking of is cakes, cakes cakes!!! I live in Sweden and here it is crazy concept of fika -there you go and hang out with friends in coffee shops.
It is the thing I miss, I can not bring my own sugar-gluten free cake with me :). Its horrible!
And I want ocassional binge back. When you have PMS or something. Guilt and insulin free.
Hate this stupid disease.
What in the world is "normal" about eating a whole cake? At my age, 66, I eat a lot better than my non-diabetic friends who have other problems. On my low carb diet, I get butter, avocados, eggs and bacon. Many of my friends are on low fat diets that are a lot more restrictive than mine, or they have problems with cholesterol.
NORMAL (sane) people DO NOT EAT the WHOLE flipping cake!!!
You CAN go to a pizza restaurant with you friends, and EAT a slice, or yes two, three.
You will be conscious, aware of what you eat, in ways they are not. Diabetic math. But unlike them you will pay the price in insulin. And annoyed you have to pay attention to it. You will be in better shape than they will forced to do that math...
Actually, after one piece of cake or pizza I am done (lol). I've never had a big appetite. That and my mom was always super health conscious. So splurging on sweets has never been a love of mine. I guess that is why finding out about my Diabetes was not that difficult in terms of diet. I'm not a foodie by any stretch of the imagination.
That said I'd love to stuff a Snicker's bar or three BIG snickerdoodle cookies down my throat without worrying about proper bolusing and subsequent corrections.
Also, I've learned that when I start having food fantasies like this I might be low...(lol). So I test and then have pixie sticks. My cravings for those unhealthy foods go away.
What I've done, post Diagnosis, was to replace junk food with something else. Now instead of sweets I devour a good book, movie, or comic book instead. This year I've completed the entire "Beautiful Creatures" series.