That sounds like a wonderful trip. My wife is the Matzo ball wizard, but I make the chicken stock. I actually do ok with a matzo ball or two.
Potatoes were not known in the western world until the spanish brought them back in the sixteenth century. I’ve always felt that cheese latkes are “original.”
@Brian_BSC Could be! My mom always made cheese latkes too using very similar ingredients (sour cream instead of ricotta and some milk). She never measured anything or used a written recipe, just whipped it out. So did my grandma. Those were a staple in our house and we ate them year-round though they were more of a “special treat” as we only had them maybe once a week.
Just picked up all the ingredients and hoping to whip up a batch this weekend. I did buy the almond meal/flour. Will need to divide recipe in half since I live alone.
The cream cheese and egg combo seems to be a keto staple for any kind of dough (oopsie rolls). You can separate the egg whites and whip it up with cream of tartar before adding the cream cheese and yolks to make it fluffier, then add in splenda or whatever else for flavoring. This website has a lot of variations, from bread to pizza crust to casseroles!
I made “breakfast” for dinner tonight. These were delicious and really easy. I had a mini food processor which did the trick, though I softened up the cream cheese a bit in the microwave before mixing. Since they were so low carb, I used real maple syrup because the sugar free syrups make me want to gag. I will definitely be making these again. Thanks for posting the recipe.
Has anyone tried freezing these pancakes after making them? Between getting my 13-year-old out of bed in time to feed and water the cats and dog, bathe, get dressed, brush her teeth, Keurig my coffee, and put on way too much eyeliner and getting my old, fat, and arthritic body down the stairs and out the door to get to school and work (respectively) on time, cooking breakfast on weekdays is out of the question for me. I would be motivated to make a crapton of these pancakes on the weekend if I knew they froze (and reheated) well…
This is my exact problem, too. This is actually my main obstacle to jumping on a lower carbohydrate diet, which I think I would benefit from. I’m not an experienced cook and have limited time in which to do it, so I’d like to be able to cook most things in advance on weekends (I’d be willing to dedicate an entire day to it) so that I can just warm things up to eat during the week. (Also, I hate cooking meat. I find raw meat revolting and am always paranoid it’s not cooked through. So this is also something I need to overcome!)
I’m planning on trying these pancakes (as soon as I can figure out a substitute for cream cheese as I’m allergic to milk…) or similar LC pancakes and, if I could freeze them, that would be perfect.
Also, curious what people use for syrup. All the sugar-free ones I find in stores are full of chemicals I can’t pronounce. I’d like something I could make on my own that’s healthier.
I haven’t been a huge fan of maple syrup for many years now, ever since I had a (thankfully short-lived) job right after I graduated from high school working on an assembly line folding maple syrup-baited cockroach traps. (The advertising slogan was “Roaches check in, but they don’t check out!” I ended up using some of these cockroach traps months later when we had a cockroach issue in an apartment I rented in San Francisco. They were very effective; one day I went to change out the traps and happened to look inside at the “victims”. There were quite a few of varying sizes and I swear they were placed in a nativity scene arrangement, complete with a little cockroach baby Jesus and Three Wise Men!) But I digress. The scent of maple syrup permeated not only my clothing, but my skin, hair and, I believe, my very soul. My roommates would insist that I undress on the doorstep before even entering the apartment and make a bee-line to the shower for a thorough scrub down. As a result of my limited time spent as a constructor of “vacation” domiciles for cockroaches, the scent of maple syrup can on occasion nauseate me even almost 40 years later. That being said, if my daughter wants maple syrup on her pancakes or waffles, I use the real thing and just adjust the insulin dosing accordingly. (Jen, I heard a rumor that it is a legal offense to use anything other than genuine maple syrup in Canada, and can lead to the “offender” having to pay a large fine and/or serve extended time in a high-security prison!) I encourage my daughter to have some berries and/or whipped cream from a can (best invention since the wheel) on her pancakes whenever possible.
I hear you on the grossed-out-by-raw-meat thing loud and clear! Salmonella and E. coli are NOT our friends, not to mention Taenia solium and a veritable myriad of other parasites. “Cook the crap out of it unless it’s cookies!” has always been my motto. Whenever I have red meat at a restaurant, which is seldom, I’ve learned to ask for it to be prepared burnt because whenever I ordered it “well-done” it would arrive on the plate still oozing blood and moving ever so slightly…
Good move; I often use small amounts of maple syrup and sugar. It’s much better that the fake substitute and portion control does the trick. I had a little maple syrup over my sausages with scrambled eggs last night.
Haha, believe it or not, I tried real maple syrup for the first time only a few months ago! Growing up I always used the nasty sugar-free stuff (well, it doesn’t taste nasty, at least not to me, but after reading the ingredients I’m not sure there’s any actual food in there). The maple syrup seems to skyrocket my blood sugar. Maybe I am using too much. I like the whipped cream and berries idea, though, that sounds good!
I’m taking a FoodSafe course for work purposes and I thought it might help me with my raw-meat problem. But, nope. It’s just made me even more paranoid. Although, part of my problem isn’t just the issue of food poisoning but the fact that the texture of something like raw chicken, and having to cut it up, is just disgusting and makes me not want to eat it. (I’m not vegetarian, though, and would eat meat no problem if I didn’t have to cook it!)
Jen, you tried real maple syrup for the first time only recently?!?!? You call yourself Canadian?!?!? I’m sorry to hear that maple syrup causes your BG to spike , because it tastes so darned good compared to the fake, unpronounceable-ingredient version. I also grew up with the fake stuff and was rendered speechless the first time I tasted the real thing.
When it comes to parasites and animal protein, knowledge can be a distressing thing. During my undergraduate years, I developed a special interest in parasitology. What I learned was enough to turn me vegetarian for awhile. My craving for beef and chicken and lamb and turkey soon overcame my fear of parasites, however, and I am once again a happy omnivore. No more beanie-wienies for me!
RE your aversion to the texture of raw meat: how about wearing a pair of thick, washable cotton gloves under some waterproof gloves (dishwashing or surgical)? This could “blunt” the aversive tactile sensations you describe. Just a thought. And there’s always aversion therapy which can be very useful in developing distress tolerance. Too bad you don’t live closer or I’d offer to clean, cut up into serving portions, and freeze all your animal protein for you on a monthly basis…