Ok so sorry for always comming here for help. I bet yall are getting kinda tired of me by now, but I need help yet again.
Heres the story this time:
I was bored and playing around on myspace when I saw in my friend updates some one posted a blog titled “hurt” I thought “Who is that??” and went to find out and of course read the blog. It turns out it was a girl I go to school with named Makayla (ok I so spelled her name wrong.) I dont know her that well but now after reading her blog I want to. Problem?? I never really see her. You know how myspace is, you have people you rarely or never talk to as your “friends.” Anyway heres what her blog said:
“do you ever wake up in the morning and think what kinda crap is going to go wrong today…? i do. everyday i wake up and i know that someone in my family is going to say you didnt do this or you didnt do that or this isnt right or why is this like this. i feel like no matter wat i do its not good enough. all through my life i have put up with verbal and physical abuse and i feel like im about to be pushed over the edge. i just wish that times were different and i could be in a place where people cared.i feel like i deserve this pain at times but most of the time i dont know wat a deserve. maybe life is supposed to be this painful maybe i should be happy maybe i should have bruises on my body maybe i should just get pushed around…who am i to know wat i want or deserve im just a kid right…i must deserve this.”
I really want to comment on it but I have no idea what to say. I dont know why. Its not like I’ve never had friends that are abused…I guess its different because she’s older than me and all the others that were abused were my age or younger. I thought about just saying “nobody deserves that” but I dont know if she’d listen since Im 2 years younger. It says on her main profile that she just wants to meet some one who will love her and not hurt her. I wish I could be that person…I just need some help.
Thank you guys for all you do for me. Its so amazing to be able to come here and get such great advice all the time.