Good news

Couldn't wait to share my good news with my fellow members; just got back the results from my first blood work since diagnosis in mid-Jan. A1C fell from 11 to 6--so glad! Even more good news; all my previous bad results fell almost by 1/2! Cholesterol was 225 now 122; tris were 154 now 69. Amazing what losing weight and exercise can do--why didn't it click with me before it came to this?!! Oh well, I guess it was the kick in the ■■■ I needed!

Way to go!!

Sounds like you are on the right track...keep up the fantastic work!

Unfortunately most of us hard headed t2's need this kick in the seat of the pants. Great job. Those are impressive results.

Gary S

Very impressive Brian! Good for you, giving you a virtual pat on the back :) Feels good, huh? :)

Thanks-feels good!

Yes, a kick was definitely needed for me; thanks!

Thanks a lot! Yes, I must say it really does feel good; now, just got to maintain it.

Fantastic job, Brian! And in such a short time!

Thanks for letting us know!

And I'm sure it will help some others who are newly diagnosed be more confident that they, too, can change their numbers with diet and exercise!

Best wishes,


Thanks Marty! I was looking forward to sharing it with my friends on here. I hope I can be an example as so many were to me when I was pretty down.

Yay for you, Brian!

Thanks Cosumne; does feel good!

Great Job! Happy dance.

Thanks! Definitely calls for a Happy Dance!

Great job!

Nice job

Thanks Deb! Very happy with the results but work is still needed and must maintain

Thanks still_young; just got to keep at it!

A big shout out to you Brian!! Great great work and you are reaing the benefits!!

God bless,

Thank you kindly, Brunetta! Sorry for the loss of your Father; stay strong.