How easy is the "EZ Manager" software?

Hello everyone! I'm still new to my pump and I got the software for it. My CDE asked me if I had the chance to play with it and I told them no. I'm reading over the instruction guide and I just feel nervous that I would mess up settings in my pump. How easy is this software and have any of you all had trouble with it?

EZ Manager is clunky, old software. Pump information is very difficult to upload. I'm not sure if they ever got it to work with Windows 7. Forget about using it with Windows 8. The USB serial infrared connection device (provided with the software CD)is not supported by Windows 8, even if you use other software.

If you have a computer running Windows 7, XP or Vista (I'm not sure about Macs), you can use Diasend ( which is a much faster and more user friendly software. It's simple to learn, very user friendly and free. Unfortunately, you can't edit the Carbs of foods you want to store on your remote

Good luck,

I am using a Vibe here so have never used ezManager and use Diasend. I know the US version of Diasend is different to what we in Australia use as far as integrating the CGMS side of things but here in Australia (and I can't see why the US wouldn't be the same) you do have the ability to edit your FoodList including the amount of carbs in the foods you add/save in your list.

EZ Manager is not compatible with Windows 7. I have never particularly missed it except that I think that I could have used it to change the music to alert me to things like No Delivery.

Well with the Vibe you are unable to change the alerts as you could on previous model pumps.

To get EZManager to work, you need to go to , and log in (usename and password both guest), you will be directed to a support page, where you click on the PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers. Near the bottom of the page, you will see the link to download, which says it is compatible with Windows 8 and 8.1 (not sure which prolific chip the cable uses). If you can install it, it also says updates are available via windows update. It worked for me on Windows 7 64bit Home premimum. It updates the driver and EZ Manager then works, but is not supported by Animas. It is not supported because the FDA controls the software and an update to the driver would require Animas to get the entire software package reapproved.

Which means that you have to put up with "Fur Elise" (played on a digtital watch) everytime your cartridge drops below 10 Units.


Diasend WILL let you set up the Foodlist (you have to contact them to get the Diasend Food Loader), but personally I didn't find the effort of setting up the database worthwhile - it's easier and involves fewer button presses to enter the carbs directly.


I’d give a second vote to Diasend as a good substitute for EasyManager. Diasend also gives your healthcare specialist access to your records, if you like. It works for me.

Make certain that you install EZManager and Diasend uploader software before you update the USB drivers as noted above. The reason you must install the driver last is that the software installs it's own drivers over existing drivers. I have used both EZManager and Diasend uploader with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.


Diasend works well on my MacBook Air. The Diasend uploader works on the Mac, too. Once I started using Diasend, I never went back to the EZmanager program.

Does anybody own EzManager Max software? I wanted to try it out (just for the fun of it), problem is that I can't get it anywhere here in Europe... Our local reseler of Animas doesn't have it, since they became reseller just little time ago, and only pump they sell is Vibe (which I will probably get if everything goes to plan)... But they don't have EzManager Max, which I probably wouldn't get as it is not compatible with Vibe...

I am also wanting to get a copy of ezManager. Does anyone have a copy? I have an Animas Vibe but they only come with Diasend now.

Hi !

If you want you can use GNU Gluco Control. Latest version supports Vibe. I added support last year, when I was desperate (and after I got Vibe). Send PM if you can’t find it, or need more info.

Take care,