Has anyone performed their own homemade Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glucose_tolerance_test)?
***Warning, do not attempt this if you are T1, are insulin dependent or have a markedly deficient insulin response
It is one thing to measure blood sugar before and 2 hours after meals, but if you really want to see how your poor pooped out pancreas is handling life, nothing beats the good ole OGTT. This is especially insightful to the T2 as it will tell you how much phase 1 insulin response you have, how high your blood sugar reaches and overall how well you tolerate carbs.
In my case, I've struggled with my diabetes for some years and have really not handled carbs well at all. Usually, I can't handle more then 10-15 grams of carbs and still be below 140 mg/dl after two hours. But over the last few years, at times when I've changed my medications, I've had sudden and seemingly dramatic improvements in my diabetes. I call them my honeymoon's. Well, I changed my medication this week and I decide to do another OGTT. Here is my method and result:
Choose a start time (usually morning) with as near a normal fasting as possible (preferably under 100 mg/dl, but just do you best). Prepare your weapon of choice. 75g of carbs. It is preferable to use glucose. You can probably use any simple carb. I chose to use HFCS-free "maple syrup," mostly made from corn syrup and sugar, so pretty high in glucose. I mixed it in 1 cup of milk, for a total of 75g.
So start by measuring your fasting, ingest the 75g of carbs and then measure your blood sugar every 15 minutes for 2 hours. A normal "non-diabetic" response will not rise above 140-160 mg/dl. Most diabetics will rise much higher but the key is of course returning to less than 140 after 2hrs. As a test for diabetes, the WHO (and others) interpret being > 140 mg/dl, but less than 200 mg/dl at 2 hours as impaired glucose tolerance. Being above 200 mg/dl at 2 hrs is full blown diabetes.
Here are the results of my OGTT today:
Time - Glucose reading (mg/dl)
0:00 - 93
0:15 - 153
0:30 - 218
0:45 - 174
1:00 - 196
1:30 - 105
2:00 - 73
2:30 - 64
This result is in stark contrast to my previous OGTTs. While I went a bit high, and I had some reactive hypoglycemia, at least for now, I can probably eat some reasonable level of carbs.
Previously, my so-called "honeymoons" have lasted about 2-3 weeks. I'm thinking of doing the same thing when my blood sugar control takes a turn for the south.
Has anyone else done their own OGTT? Should I share this with my doctors?