There are several discussions. Try a search on Tandem T-slim X2, or Basal-IQ. Better to post your questions there, or start new topic.
Here are a couple examples
There are several discussions. Try a search on Tandem T-slim X2, or Basal-IQ. Better to post your questions there, or start new topic.
Here are a couple examples
I got the upgraded transmitter for my 670G.
This has solved my worst complaint about the auto mode system: that it would accept a blood sugar and then immediately demand another blood sugar. That older transmitter sometimes would have me go 10-12 hours before a new sensor would ever come fully online again. It was nuts.
The newer transmitter is better. But it is NOT PERFECT at all. I’ve been on the new transmitter for about 4 or 5 weeks now and I’d say it’s considerably better, but not where it should be.
The issue now is that sometimes the sensor is delivering good data, but the pump/transmitter don’t trust the sensor data. I’ve gone through either 4 or 5 sensor changes on the new one, and twice I’ve had sensors where the pump would demand new blood sugar readings (not calibrations, just finger sticks) every 2 to 4 hours. There is no “joy” quite like getting up every 3-ish hours all night long for a week. The first of those two sensors had me check my blood sugar more than 10 times in the first 24 hours. OUCH!
It was all the more infuriating because during those two “extra blood check” weeks, the sensor readings were almost perfect: always within 10 mg/dl of the actual blood sugar readings, which is considerably more accurate than I often get from my sensors.
Anyway. Whenever my insurance next lets me change pumps, I will be doing a serious, hard, look at all of the pump/sensor systems on the market then. That’s a few years out, but I am beginning to think it’s time to switch to a different company when the time comes.
Does Medtronic data downloads show ISIG values any longer, like it did for Enlites? That data is what I’d refer to when I’d talk to uncooperative support people regarding many bad sensors. If you don’t know what “ISIG” means, PLEASE skip answering my post. Thanks!
The 670G and Guardian Sensor System has an Isig History report showing the Isig and corresponding BG readings every five minutes throughout the day.
You do not need to take a finger stick reading every time the pump requests a new BG update. Simply, input the last reading on your pump unless you feel the pump reading may be incorrect.
If I am requested to replace a relatively new sensor, I will remove the transmitter and recharge it. Then reattach the transmitter to the sensor and proceed as if I have inserted a new sensor. 90% of the time, this will get everything back to normal.
Thanks Don! Silly me, I should have more carefully looked at my own CSV file from Carelink. Column “AF” in Excel shows “ISIG Value”.
I haven’t set up my 670 with Carelink. The information can be retrieved directly from the pump under History.
Yesterday, I “only” had to check my blood sugar 10 times and insert two sensors before I got the pump to behave.
Last weekend, it took 7 checks and two sensors by mid-week.
The week before that, 13 checks.
And the pump only alarmed with a false low about 4 times last night before I shut off the sensor so I could sleep.
My warranty expires in 2021, which is the earliest my insurance will let me swap out pumps. Only about 16 more months. What’s a little stress, sore fingers, and sleep deprivation, right?
You wouldn’t have that experience if you had a Dexcom CGM. MM sensors are the pits. I wasted a year of my life dealing with those infernal things. Enlites were supposed to be better than Sof Sensors. HA! Random number generators, both of them. I would guess I spent 100+ hours with tech support during the year. The moment I heard that the G5 was going to be covered by medicare, I called up Dexcom to get on the waiting list. The wait was a few months, but SO rewarding!
There is a trade in option if interested.
Trade it!! I traded my in-warranty Animas for MM 670GlucoseStripEatingMachine…wow was I sorry!!
I ended over 4 mos of 670G hell by paying $1k for a Tandem X2 out of pocket to use until Oct of 2020…that was a good decision…I now loan my 670G and sensors out for some folks that are doing keto and fasting so they can get some more insight on how their nutrition is playing out for them.
Keep in mind you don’t have to input a finger stick reading. You can just input your current reading or the last available reading. However. If you feel the meater is way off, Then you should do a finger stick reading.