My gift for World Diabetes Day: 5.6

So tomorrow is World Diabetes Day, commemorating the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who along with Charles Best co-discovered insulin in 1922. I usually post something about it here because it’s also MY birthday, and if it hadn’t been for Banting and Best I would have had my last one in 1983. But this year I’m also proud to add another more personal landmark: I just got my latest A1C result, and it was the lowest I’ve ever had since diagnosis.


As in, I’m actually inside normal range for the first time in 41 years! So thanks Doc, thanks modern medicine, thanks scientific research, I’m still here because of you.


And don’t forget all the dogs that gave their pancreas too.


@DrBB – Congrats on the “normal” A1c! If not for the 1922 discovery of exogenous insulin, 1983 would have been my last birthday as well.

Take credit for your sustained motivation and the amazing power of a determined brain!


My last days would have been 1987, but maybe I could have lived till 1988. I don’t know though cause I was pretty sick on Labor Day when I was diagnosed. I do think someone would have figured it out somewhere between 1922 and 1987 tho.
Still I call it my second birthday. I have.
32 years extra that I wouldn’t have.

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That’s so great!!! Well done - my last A1C was 6! Always nice to see!