OmniPod Case Design - What Do You Guys Want

I agree with you. We should have an “everyday” and an “everything” case. Now that my child is older, I find carrying the glucose tab case to be pretty large check out the gluco-carry kit - - you would have to order it from England but it might be what you are looking for.

Thanks for your comments!!

I don’t have the new PDM but I have crammed everything you’re listing here in the nylon case that came with my OmniPod system. I put the extra pod in the outside pocket, which is a tight squeeze, and have the extra syringes in the zippered compartment inside.

A couple of years ago, I found a small plastic container for glucose tablets that fits on my key ring. Since I almost always have my keys with me, I almost always have glucose tablets. (Found it at the WalMart pharmacy but have seen it at Walgreens, too)

With all that said, I love the idea of color choices and more flexibility, Susan. I encourage you to continue with your market research. :slight_smile:


When I was first diagnosed seven years ago, I found the aDorn purse, which is designed to carry diabetes supplies. They’ve expanded their products since then but not much seems the right size to accommodate pods.

Take a look:

I’ll bet that you can do better – especially with our input. :slight_smile:


Here are some random thoughts on the topic:

-Those bags look fairly decent, Janet, but OMG are they EXPENSIVE! I realize that they are selling to a niche market and all but, sheesh.

-At the moment I am using a sunglasses case for my ‘everyday’ case. It can comfortably hold my multi-clix, test strips, my inhaler (talk about bad genes … T1D and asthma!!!), a tiny baggie with a few pills in it (4-6 tylenol, a multi-vitamin or two, and 1-3 other pills depending on what I thing I might need on any given day, and a few alcohol strips. The case I’m using is ‘semi-rigid’ for lack of a better term. It fits nicely in one cargo pocket, and I can easily keep the PDM in the same pocket (although I usually prefer to have one on each side :wink: ). The one I’m using looks pretty much like this –>

-Unless your climbing Everest or going out into the deep wilderness, is it really necessary to carry batteries? Just about every gas station has em and I can only think of one or two times in the last 20 years that I was more than 30 minutes away from someplace where I could buy batteries. I’m not saying that there won’t ever be a time when you need to carry a new set of batteries on your person, but if your trying to keep the size of the case down that would be the first thing that I would drop.

Thanks for the post - I think the main difference between the men and the women is men don’t want to have to lug everything with them when they go out the door and the women want something small enough that they can carry a regular purse and not a huge tote to accomodate all the stuff.

I’ve actually had some issues with the batteries on this new PDM - they seem to die much quicker so I always carry a couple in the zippered pouch but I totally get that you can pick up batteries everywhere.

Do you think it would be useful for me to see if the manufacturer can make a case similar to the hard case that came with the OmniPod but bigger? You know, the one that hooks on your belt? It doesn’t fit the new PDM and it really doesn’t fit if you put the skin on it. I could find out if they can make it bigger so it can fit the PDM, test strips & a lancet.

Looks like I’m going to have to send everything to China (the manufacturer, can’t find any manufacturing companies here in the US). I thought I would do an Everyday pak, an Everything pak (bigger) and then the clip on belt pak for the guys.

I started with the new PDM, so I can’t really comment on whatever it was that may have come with the old one.

I carry this with me pretty much everywhere I go.

I'm always carrying a messenger bag with my laptop so I can throw this in a pocket on the's big enough to carry my omnipod, test strips, lancet device, my navigator when I'm wearing it, and if I squeeze I can get my phone as well. I don't like carrying all the extra stuff that would go in an 'everything' pack unless I have to--I keep extra pods and insulin at work, and when I'm going to be travelling out of town I take all that extra stuff w/ me. I made a soft sided pack several years ago when I was on MDI and backpacking a lot that would carry all of my supplies (maybe 10x10x1ish?), so that has since turned into my 'everything' pack for long distance travels.

Hi -

Wow - thanks so much for the pictures!! This pack is small - I think the small is especially important to guys! I’ll see what I can do about making a small one like this. Am sending all my mockups to China this week - we’ll see what they can do for us.

Thanks again!

I was going to post a comment but everyone pretty much said what I wanted to say. I can’t wait to see what you come up with:)

Could you post us a mock so we can check it out??

No glucagon, necessary, I think. Those come in another kit. I agree on hard sided (maybe just on one side if it’s a weight thing).

I kind of did the same thing. I took one of our old cases from I think his one touch meter which fits the PDM, lancet and strips. This is what he keeps with him. In the case that omnipod gave us, I put the extra pods, insulin, batteries, etc…and he only takes that if he is going somewhere (in a sport bag, his backpack at school, or in my purse!).

We buy the BD glucose tabs just for carrying around, since they are flat. At home and school my son has the round ones, but in his case the round ones drive me crazy.

Hey there! I love that Osprey pouch below!! I like the size of the Omnipod pouch except the elastic is not useful for anything and I cannot fit an extra pod into it, so it would be nice to make it a bit roomier. (I have glucagon tucked away in my little “everywhere” child first aid kit (small) so I don’t carry it in the Omnipod pouch). I don’t like to carry a lot of stuff because I already have all that other stuff in my purse–sunglasses, wallet, keys, make up bag. Also, if I am just running out and I’ve tested and the number is good, I only take the basic kit which has honey bags in it.

Whoops, that was not Aaron posting, but me, Kimberly!

I have the size “L” version of the Osprey pouch…if you squeeze it tight, an extra pod will fit in the mesh part (I doubt the S or M size would allow for that, but I haven’t seen them in-hand yet). Since I leave pods laying around places where I might need them (in my truck, at work, etc), I never end up stuffing the pouch to it’s capacity. It works great to carry my PDM, lancing device, strips, and Navigator if I’m wearing it too.

Oh my computer is being stupid, and wont let me post the pic, but all I carry is alcohol wipes, poker, test strips, PDM and insulin vial if I am changing my pod that day, And I do believe an extra pod will fit, but I just keep extras around, work, purse. Etc.

O.k, so I realize my ideas won’t be for everyone, especially the guys - sorry, but I would like to see something super stylish. Something I could carry as a purse. Small is great but I would love to also have options. Something like an evening bag that could hold all my diabetic supplies plus, driver’s license, money, lipstick, etc. Maybe an option for a mid-size purse, one section could be for diabetic supplies and another section for personal items. Possibly matching material, one small bag that fits into a larger purse.

I love your idea of colors, that’s great! Was also thinking for adult women of different patters, again, similar to a small hand bag.

I’m curious ladies, if there was something out there that looked like a Prada bag or Guess, or any of your favorite designers…would you buy it? (and I’m not saying it has to cost the same as a Prada bag…just similar style and look)

Heck yeah! I use a makeup bag now, as earlier stated, and am fine with it. If there was a cute and practical option, I’d be interested!

Hi Carol,

Yes, yes and YES!!!
I’ve been Type 2 for 9 years and have been looking for a classy kit bag since I was diagnosed. My husband and I spent a day on 5th avenue in New York trying to find something that would work, to no avail. I’m currently using a nice cosmetic bag by coach that has two small pockets on the inside (batteries, lancet tips, and alcohol swabs) and another pocket on the inside that I use for my log book. My PDM, lancet, pen, and a small pack of Kleenex fit in there nicely.I have contacted a bag designer friend and pleaded with her to create something for us gals that doesn’t look like a medicine cabinet. I’m also using a small Fossil cosmetic case for my extra pod, insulin and what not that I don’t use several times a day. I prefer nice leather but haven’t found the perfect combination yet. I’m not a fan of the pack cloth, nylon, quilted things that you find online. I want something that is in a nice supple leather that as you said would look like a nice and purple of course would be wonderful! I have searched the internet for something like this and it doesn’t exist.