I just encountered this problem today. I started on the Pods and went to transfer everything from my CVS purchase a year ago. (UGLY) Now Im lost as to what to do, the “new case” ( as i have no idea of what the old case is) is useless. It’s way to flimsey, nothing really fits, no protection. My husband made the comment the other day while we were at the park, he wanted to know why kit we have looked at is black? If your in the sun at all it is no good.
Also, I need to carry a poker, lancets, syringes, band aids, tiple antibiotic ointment, (for the kids scrapes and bumps 2 and 3 are great ages for thoes), PDM, strips, batteries, tabs, sometimes keys and id if Im not taking my purse which is a whole other nightmare.
I do have one of the Desange (sp?) kit bags, and granted its nice, but too big and way too expensive, bit its what Im using as of today.
I have one I’ve used for my iPhone and earbuds. Since I started on the Pod today, I’m seriously considering using it for my PDM, MultiClix and Test Strips. I too hate the round containers, hasn’t any manufacturer though about a better container?
I’ve been Type 1 for 54 years and have never used Gluagon or Adrenaline (what was used before Glucagon).I use to have them around but never needing them stopping getting the. I know many diabetics that seem to use Glucagon like Orange Juice and it sure makes me wonder.
Late reply - but my son has a glucagon kit in his bag he carries everywhere. When he is old enough, he can decide, but as long as I’m in charge, I’m not risking it. I think it’s different with kids too. They have more erratic numbers until after puberty I think - from what I’ve heard anyway.
In my case as a guy I want the smallest possible case. All want in it is the PDM, the smallest poker I can find and a bottle of strips. It must fit in my jeans pocket.I really don’t care much what it looks like as long as it works well. I’m also certainly not up for compartments for things. I carry a tube of glucose tabs loose in my pocket. I have a few syringes in the glove compartment of my car. If a pod fails I can remove enough insulin directly from it to correct and bolus with the syringe. Currently I use a Iomega portable hard drive case and it works great.
Batteries, if you read the gauge why carry them. Extra insulin and pods only if I am going to be more than a couple of hours from home. I always carry them in a separate bag. The vaste majority of guys just don’t carry bags
I may carry a extra bottle of insulin loose without the box in my pocket so that it doesn’t overheat.
I’ve been working on the same thing. My daughter was diagnosed a little over a year ago and is an active teenager. I just recently made her a bag for running and did make it big enough for the glucagon, her pdm, lancet and test strips but nothing else. (she runs cross country in high school) I’d love to see a bag like a camera case where the PDM, test srips and lancet slid into separate pockets on the outside and stayed secure but you’d have easy access to them and then have a separate zipper compartment for extra batteries, extra pod, a vial of insulin and glucagon. Maybe they need to redesign the glucagon into a smaller case.
I use the ameribag baglett - comes in a variety of colors. The distressed nylon washes well. It is a cross body. It carries all the diabetic supplies, glucose tabs, keys, ID/credit card case, cell phone. It is 8" x 4.5" x 3.5". You can byuy it cheaper on some of the shoe online sites. They come up every once in a while on ebay. I paid $14/no shipping.
I have a few colors. I throw it in my larger purse when I want to carry a large purse (also an ameribag). Otherwise I use it alone. It is so light I do not realize I am wearing it. 7209-ameribagbaglett.jpg (72.5 KB)
when excercising (or out at parties) I picked up a fun little fanny pack from Alite Designs, it’s bright, fun, and everyone knows it’s mine… I love it!
Quilt it, print it, do what you will, but I have ben on a neverending search fro the perfect case and it just doesnt exist! Right now, I have the best that I have found yet
What I NEED: My keys, Birth Control, Lip Balm, PDM, Lancet, Insulin (I carry cartriges...not vials) Test Strips
What I need MORE than fitting all of that: A SMALL, ATTRACTIVE CASE!
If it means all I can fit are the three essentials (PDM, Strips and Lancet) so be it!
Best of luck! CAn’t wait to see what you come up with!