The Word in Your Hand Quilt

A couple of years ago, Manny Hernandez and his wife Adrienne Davilla, founders of the Tu Diabetes community, started the Word in Your Hand project. Members were asked to write a word on their hand that represented living with diabetes, and to take a picture and send it over.

Here is a video of some of the hands. Mine is the fist on the opening frame with the word “fear” on it.

Last week, I heard from a TD friend,Marie B. Marie is a kind and wise lady who has weathered decades of living with diabetes. She is also a classic rock fan who doesn’t think I’m a freakazoid because I’m nuts about Dylan. Marie was co-recipient of the TD “Life Coach” award. She is also a master quilter.

Manny recently asked Marie to design a quilt with squares of some of the hands. She emailed me and asked if I wanted to participate. I thought “oh, for sure”. But then I looked back at my original submission. The fist represented anger and aggression. It was truly the way I felt back then. But I knew that things had changed. Why? Because I almost died and doctors continue to tell me that my survival was a miracle. Because one of my worst fears, kidney failure, has become a reality. And yet, here I am, fully participating in life. I told Marie I’d need a few days to come up with a new word, and as soon as I sent the reply, it came to me.

I spent some time contemplating this. Just what is it that I now trust?

I trust that:

  • I did not die for a reason - there are some tasks that I still need to accomplish while among the living
  • I will continue to have the strength to cope with the challenges that dialysis brings
  • I will value my friendships, both in person and online
  • the number of good people in this world outweigh the bad
  • kind and compassionte doctors will continue to cross my path
    when I need them
  • my family growing closer as a result of my illness is a deep and precious gift
  • no matter what lies ahead, I will be taken care of
  • I can make someone’s day by smiliong and saying hello
  • life continues to impress me with wonderful surprises

Here is a preview of the quilt. I forgot to mention that each square has the person’s date of diagnosis. And, right next to my square is another dear sweet lady,

Thank you Marie. Thank you Manny. For making me contemplate a new word for my hand. It was healing and has made a difference.

Gracious a la vida que me ha dado tanto.


You are awe-inspiring, Kathy! Making the best of a life that has not been easy. And yes, you’re being kept around just to motivate others who are struggling, and to make people’s day with your smiles! :slight_smile:

And I can hardly wait to see Marie’s quilt when it’s finished! :slight_smile:

That is a Wonderful word and a Lovely quilt. I’m Glad that you are still with us and Marie too. :slight_smile:

I am glad that you changed your word! That looks like it will be a beautiful quilt when itis all finished.

YOU GO KATHY!!! You and I know we have to fight to get to where we are. I think my word on that lovely quilt is fighter. I thank you, Manny and Marie for being here for all of us (I can never spell Manny’s wife’s name so I just call her A) Yes we’re here for a reason and somehow or another we always show diabetes who’s boss! (That’s my belife anyway) It’s taken a toll on me over the years but like you I’m still here and proud to be here!

Can’t wait to see the finished quilt, it looks like it will be quite beautiful!

Hi Kathy. For years I’ve enjoyed reading Minnesota Nice blog. I’m really glad you’re still going strong, with Trust. I’m sure the finished quilt be both beautiful and meaningful.

Thank you. This video made me cry.

My word is: alone.

I am fighting this battle all day and night, every day and night, pretty much all alone.

What would I do without TuDiabetes?

I had a similar response when asked to participate - had to contemplate a new word. My original one was “pregnancy?” and that question sort of answered itself. :smiley: Here’s what I came up with for a new word.

I’m so glad you will be included in the project. And I’m so glad you’re finding this untapped strength. We’re here for you, Kathy.

I can’t wait to see the finished quilt. I really think it’s going to be powerful. It gets me so excited to see Marie’s art as a vehicle to communicate so much!

Wow! It looks pretty awesome! Keep up the good work Marie!

I just stumbled upon this post by Kathy. She was such an incredible lady, @MarieB.


Ah yes…I miss her everyday. And the quilt was a marvelous project. I was honored to have a square. We all are indebted to @MarieB

Manny—Do you still display it in DHF booths at conferences?..xx000

The quilt is part of the permanent collection at The Quilt For Life, which is exhibited every year at Friends For Life, in Orlando.

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I was at MasterLab this last July at FFL and took the following picture of the quilt:


to be perfectly honest, I am not dealing well with our loss of Kathy. it’s so painful.

but thanks for bringing back this topic. I have said it before, making this quilt was an experience like no other I’ve made. Everything went together perfectly, from the spacing of the letters which were done in the exact font we use here for so many titles, to the piecing, embellishments, the quilting, the binding. It was a magical experience. There must be some reason it was the only quilt I’ve ever made not to give me one iota of frustration. so I’ve come to conclusion it has magic powers. and I want every TuDiabetes member who goes to FFL to please touch it.


Thanks for posting the photo, Brian.


Marie—I, too, am not coping well with Kathy’s death----especially hard since it came so close to my sister’s death…Love you…Hugs


Hugs to you both, @MarieB and @Judith_in_Portland.


It is now on my “bucket list” to some day attend the FFL conference and touch the Magic I believe this quilt possesses!