What is the most ridiculous comment you have heard about diabetes?

Every cat almost that lives to it’s late teens dies a death that’s painful to watch. You know before you buy one that 18 years is very old for a cat. I trust that you aren’t saying the long slow painful death of a cat is just like watching a child of one’s own deteriorate from illness until they pass when 18 years old. I do remember now that it was a daily shot and not a pill. But it would make sense for a pill to sometimes work. I don’t have too much trouble letting pets go but it takes a time of mourning. It’s a loss and one I don’t take lightly. Well let me ask this, how would you feel if as reported in this thread and to which my comment was made, you told someone about your nine year old daughter and that you were struggling to care for her diabetes. And they said, “my cat has diabetes.” ? I was filling in the blanks of a possible conversation from there. Now you must admit that if in response to ,“any complication?”, they said, “how about a long slow painful death,” that would be shocking and a grave injustice. An appropriate response would be, given those circumstances, “it’s hard to know, giving the shot is however the only thing we can do, we’ll keep loving fluffy. Is there more that you do for your daughter?” But I’m not sure if that wouldn’t be rude. I probably just wouldn’t go there. It wasn’t about the listener with a diabetic cat. That person should have found a better time to discuss that subject and not compare someone’s nine year old with a cat.

i am not tolerant of carbs, and i even need insulin for proteins. so, it is just easier to avoid things like ice cream b/c it takes too long to re-coop from a high. i feel like i’ve gotten the flu if i cannot get my correction to bring me down the first or even the second time. (and too many times, it takes longer than that.) i just want to pull the covers over my head and hibernate until i return to a healthy BG range. to ice cream or not to ice cream, is that the question? no way. perhaps a tiny taste from my husbands bowl at home, but never any more. and i don’t particularly like ice cream any way. :smiley:

Most ridiculous response: “My uncle had diabetes. He lost both legs, went blind, spent years on dialysis, then died. Oh… but he had the BAD kind!”

Yep, THAT’s helpful! Remembered who you’re talking to halfway through, did you?

Never mind that their “uncle” died 50 years ago when treatments for diabetes were really just in their infancy.

“Does that (the pump) mean you have it worse?”. . . “Did you eat too much sugar as as kid?” . . . “How do you sleep?” . . . “How do you go places?” . . . “How do you live?” . . . “How do you stay active?” . . . "Can you drink? (like that’s my number 1 concern !) . . . "I would have killed myself a long time ago. . . " . . . “Eww gross!” . . .“It looks like you’re doing drugs.” . . . "How do you get girls with that thing ? (the pump) " . . . “How do you stay active with that thing?” (the pump) . . . “How do you have *** with that thing?” . . . “Can’t you just take a shot?” . . . “But you’re not fat.” . . . the list goes on . . .

How do diabetics stay social ? . . . Can diabetics get married? (actually asked by a classmate when i was in 10th grade in health class) . . . can diabetics have kids ?

most ridiculous comment: “you’re diabetic?? you don’t look diabetic.”

but how about…

“oh, you’re diabetic? I had an aunt/uncle/grandmother/pastor/cousin/friend/neighbor/etc. who was diabetic… she went blind then had her legs amputated then she died.”

oh thank you for sharing.


comment to Type I diabetic: “you take insulin? you know you could control your diabetes with your diet if you really wanted to.”


In my doctor’s office: “Your chart says Type 2 b/c your insurance would question Type 1 at your age”–even though the doctor’s diagnosis in the body of the chart is Type 1/1.5!! Rest assured, this has been revised!!

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Sometimes people see my pump and are shocked. They are like “Does that mean you have it worse?” Then they are like “Can’t you just take a shot?” . . . I don’t get it. I’ve been pumping 14 years since I was 14 years old, and it seems like the general consensus is that there is something offensive about the pump. Girls complain about it all the time. If i wasn’t on other medication that affected my diabetes badly, I would just do pens. Sheesh.

You are spending time with the “wrong” women. If they “complain” about something as immaterial to them as your pump, then, trust me, even if you didn’t have the pump there would be other things about you they would complain about. There will always be something. That’s just how some folks are wired.

You talk about this as if there is just this one thing … diabetes and/or your pump … in your life which is the root cause of all your problems. Life doesn’t actually work like that. If you are having problems with people then the root problem most likely is those people. But I realize it can be hard to pull back enough to see that. Especially when you are “younger”. :blush:

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maybe it’s my attitude.

Could be. It could also be the people you are around. I don’t know what your life has been like. But it was once pointed out to me that some folks feel drawn to people who are, well, bad for them.

The rationalization was that being treated bad felt “normal” and “right” to them. It fit with their expectations. It was what they were used to. What they felt most comfortable with. And being around something which they were familiar with felt better. Safer. Even if they weren’t treated well, the known “bad” was more comforting than the unknown and unfamiliar.

He used to say that if you happen to be out and about and you meet someone whom you immediately feel an inexplicably strong attraction to, then you should turn around and run, not walk, away. :smiley: He had a point.

I quite enjoy (sometimes) the disconnect that the non-D people have between the insulin we inject and the insulin their bodies’ make. After I got on the pump I lost about a couple pounds, I was thinking because I was taking less insulin (but honestly, it may have just been a fluke). I was talking to a co-worker about this, and she goes “Wow, I need to lose weight, I wish I could just take less insulin”. Umm, you can! Eat less carbs, your body will make less insulin.

Ditto! Me too.

Loose weight your body will make less insulin.
Eat less same resut.
Eat protein and fat instead of carbos same result.
Exercise a lot same result.
Cut your insulin by 2/3 implementing those techniques.

did all that and doubled my insulin requirements. doesn’t always work for everyone :frowning:


There is no one-size-fits-all solution in these things. For me, sure, eat less carbs, I need less insulin, but only if I do not replace those carbs with significant increase in protein. I don’t like or need to add additional fat to my diet… Weight loss, on the other hand, is just something that makes me (a lot!) more comfortable, but seems to have negligible impact on my insulin needs. I’m not interested in finding out the impact of any additional significant weight gain, thankyouverymuch!

It’s amazing how complicated it is, how dynamic it is. I can go from less than 40 per day to more than 70 per day. Exercise every day to rest.

As others have pointed out, comments from co-workers can be especially ignorant. ‘‘Can’t give joe any birthday cake because he’s got the ,sugar diabetes’’ and will go into a diabetic coma.’’ To prevent this, I’ve not told anyone in the office I’m DT2.

Having lost 56 pounds since diagnosis 2 years ago, I can always cite dieting in turning down things like Girl Scout cookies.

The most incorrect comments I’ve heard personally is when I am low, often times the diabetically-confused people will say that I must need insulin. LOL!

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