I will admit I am a stubborn person when it comes to what I think I need and want. For Over 20 years I weight over 250 lbs. Even before my diagnosis, I started eating low carb meals, 30,15,30, 15 and 30 carbs per meal or snack. It worked, where all kinds of other programs failed. I got into the swimming routine....and LOVED what I did. I loved how I felt. And then the diagnosis of diabetes t2. Well, the good news, I knew how to count carbs, knew how to track, and had a swimming habit already, But because someone was telling me what to do,,,,my donkey took over, and I didn't do what I was supposed to do, ballooning up to 258 lbs. AFter a year of being stubborn, I started in all over, counting carbs, exercising, eating correctly, take my readings, and taking my meds. In three years I lost over 80 lbs. Exercised 3 - 4 times a week, and neared my goal. After 16 years of treating my "D" very carefully, taking care of medical maladies that came along, I am doing good. ENTER : The diabetic Nutritionist --- tatada!..We will call her Laurie for short ---- She is a definite follow the rules, no deviations for any reason, not for poverty, not for family, not for any reason....you read "the book" and follow my directions: 40-15-40-15-40 carbs per meals and snacks. Life in Laurie's world doesn't have curves and corners, it is straight and no diviations! Needless to say we butt heads often. And I being me, having some success and controlled blood sugars, was NOT going to follow something I knew met eating more food, gaining more work (having proven that in June and July of 2014) I gained over 10 lbs. NOPE! not going to happen again. My joints and other maladies kept me from being in the pool....more land exercise and PT....I have lost about 7 of the 10 lbs, my A1C is 6.5 great for a 62 year old woman. I told the CNP who has been with me this entire 16 years, that I was going to be my usual non-compliant patient, going back to the 30-15-30-15-30 regime, Lantus, humalog and Janumet; Exercise 5 times a week. This is better for my mental and physical health.Normally I wouldn't say anything, but I am part of a group of over 55's who are being followed by our hospital to see how we are doing with our diabetes for the next 7 years. This is an important program, since we are the only clinic/hospital in the region who is studying diabetes in older persons in our area, It will help shape how we are treated and accepted health practices in our area. I refuse to give up losing this weight over adding carbs w hich I know helped me gain weight. I won't do it! Losing the weight will help me manage my diabetes, lower weight, better health. Nope not more carbs. Adjust my Lantus and watch carefully for lows, treat as directed.
Am I wrong for wanting to lose 15 more lbs to be healthier? Am I wrong to not follow her directions? I have tried, begged, explained, pleaded with her to understand, and there is no hope. My doc takes her report very highly, I've explained it to my doc. Give me your views and what I can do? I hate every appt being a confrontation, but this is my life, not hers.