Hey friends!
Here's a rough, working sketch of the new home page we're working on for the site migration! It's open to change, but I wanted to show you the work in progress. Our goal is to make the home page cleaner, simpler and more visually pleasing than the one we have now, and the navigation through and around the site more intuitive.
You can also check out sketches of our future video archive, blogs page, events page, and forum category structure. Remember that all of these pages are works in progress, and some things might change as we go along. You can also read some background information about the migration project, the features which will change in this process, and features we will gain.
The space you see right below the top navigation won't be there. In this sketch it's just there so we can see the pop-down list under "Discussion Groups" (aka forum categories and subcategories) which will only appear when you click on that.
Featured Content will be a rotating banner, like the one we currently have on the home page, but different dimensions.
The Latest will be a dynamic list of recent conversations in the forum.
HON Code is our Health On the Net certification badge, which is currently on the bottom-right of every page.
Calendar widget will be a calendar view of each month, where you can click on a day to see the event(s) on that day. We don't yet know which widget this will be, but the hope is that it can be a google calendar-type thing that allows members to RSVP to an event right there, and will automatically place the event on their personal calendar. More on that later...